Writings About the Holy Scripture

Posts tagged ‘Lord’

Quine on Whether God Values Your Work

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Colossians 3:23  “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.

Christians understand the value God places on our work.  These are not merely our jobs, but are a means to worship the Lord.  The Bible says, “do your work heartily, as for the Lord, rather than for men.” This is Dr. Jay Quine, asking you to remember the word’s instruction for your “work”.   Work well done rises like a hymn of praise to God. This means that the doctor on the rounds, the scientist in the laboratory, the teacher in the classroom, the musician at the music, the artist at the canvas, the shop assistant at the counter, entering data at the computer, the business owner, or board member, the homemaker in the kitchen — all doing their work as it should be done are joining in a great act of worship.  This Monday, remember God doesn’t care so much what you do but how you do it in your work.  Have a productive work day for your Boss, the Lord God.

Quine on the Never Ending List of Lust

Quine on the Never Ending List of Lust

Quine on the Never Ending List of Lust

Romans 1:24 Breaking the Power of Lust

My wife describes the catalogues we receive in the mail as lustalogues.  Whether a different house, set of clothes, or new TV there is no lack of objects to desire.  The Bible uses the word “Lust” like a bated hook.  The fish sees the worm to enjoy, but fails to notice the deadly barb lying beneath the surface (James 1).  We are enticed by our lust, and hooked.  This is Dr. Jay Quine, apply this word to your life today, and close the catalogues; be content, and remember, the Lord provides all things richly to enjoy.

Jay Quine: God’s Gift is a true gift

Gift cards

All gifts come from God

Romans 2:23 and the Gift of Salvation

If I forget my wife’s birthday, or our anniversary, or forget to get her a gift on Christmas I’m in trouble.  These are not gifts, these are obligations!  The Bible uses the word “gift” when there is no demand to give.  Under no requirement God offers us the free gift of eternal life.  Since it is a gift, we cannot pay for it.  The price has already been fully paid.  All we can do is say, “thank you, Lord for this gift of salvation.”  For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.  This is Dr. Jay Quine encouraging you to take the free “gift” of eternal life that God offers you through faith in Jesus Christ.

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The Waiting of All Creation, by Jay Quine


The Word “Creation” in Romans 8:19-22

She counted down the days until the wedding.Finally all the planning, all the talking, and the arrangements would come to an end.Although nervous, she and her beloved fiancé’ would be married.That picture of anticipation is painted in the Bible’s portrayal of nature waiting for the day of our redemption.All creation is waiting, even groaning for the day when you and I will be fully redeemed in a future day of glory.This is Dr. Jay Quine.In my house are three cats, a gecko lizard, a rabbit, and a dwarf hamster.They have been subjected to futility.Sin has entered the world, affecting all of creation. Remember the word, and see them and all creation waiting for the day.

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